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Site Selection

Site Selection

When choosing where to locate a new facility, companies must consider more than just real estate - simply finding a site or building in a “business friendly” community can result in high operating costs and unexpected roadblocks. Parker Poe Consulting's site selection consultants use their expertise in corporate site selection to investigate hundreds of quantitative and qualitative factors to ensure that clients make the best decision when choosing their next location. At Parker Poe Consulting, site selection is not simply site “selection” - it’s site elimination. Utilizing a customized, four-phase site selection approach, along with some of the most advanced databases and tools in the industry, Parker Poe Consulting ensures that clients explore viable location options while also identifying any risks or pitfalls that may exist. Using neutral data sources, Parker Poe Consulting gives corporate decision-makers the power to make important, long-term decisions and maximize the company’s potential for success.

Site Selection services include:

  • Manufacturing
  • Warehouse & Distribution
  • Headquarters
  • Office, Call Center & Shared Service Centers

For additional information about site selection services or to see a Statement of Qualifications, contact Parker Poe Consulting.

Foreign Direct Investment

When investing in a new country, finding the right advisors is very important. The complexities of cross-border foreign direct investment in North America can be difficult or overwhelming for even the most experienced multinational companies. As companies continue to evaluate supply chains, navigate trade tensions and comply with changing procurement restrictions, more international companies are considering North American expansion than ever before. Parker Poe Consulting specializes in inbound foreign direct investment – more than 2/3 of Parker Poe Consulting clients are international companies and the team is well-versed in the unique challenges that global companies face when doing business in the North American market. Whether your company is a first-time investor or a multinational corporation, Parker Poe Consulting is equipped to ensure that your foreign direct investment project is successful.

Parker Poe Consulting Location Solutions is proud to have represented companies from: Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey and the United Kingdom. The list keeps growing – how can Parker Poe Consulting help your company?

  • If you are considering a manufacturing, warehouse/distribution, headquarters, office, shared service or call center operation, learn more about Parker Poe Consulting's Site Selection services.
  • If you are considering U.S. market entry via a sales office, joint venture, partnership, or distribution agreement, learn more about Parker Poe Consulting's Market Entry services.

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Market Entry

Market entry in the United States can be a difficult proposition for many companies around the world – although they know there is a market for their products or services, where should they start? How do they determine where to begin?

Parker Poe Consulting offers market entry services to international companies, utilizing in-house research capabilities, subscription-based databases & tools, and industry contacts to help clients identify the best location and method to get started in the US. In addition, Parker Poe Consulting works with international clients to identify potential joint venture, partnership, acquisition or distribution opportunities.

For more information about Parker Poe Consulting's work with international clients, learn more about Foreign Direct Investment or visit News for recent project announcements and thought leadership.

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